Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Where has the summer gone!

So again, I apologize for not posing regularly. I will get better.

JJ, Jaycie, and myself have had a very busy and exciting last few months. JJ wanted to go to a national car show to look at “muscle cars” so we flew back to Ohio in mid July to the good-guys event. There were thousands of cars and it took us 3 days to get through them all. Needless to
say by the end of the third day Jaycie and I were tiered of looking at cars but JJ got a lot of good ideas though if he ever gets around to rebuilding his chevelle.

While we were in Ohio we got to visit the Ohio Zoo. It was pretty exciting especially since they just had a baby boy elephant born on March 27th. We got to walk through the elephant house and see the mommy and baby playing in the water. I know JBug won’t remember her first trip to the zoo but it was still fun to take her!

On the days that it’s not so hot we have been taking Jaycie on the boat. She does really well. We keep her in the shade and there is a little breeze way to keep her cool. Recently her friend Easton (Josh and Sarah Murphy’s son) came out and played with her on the boat. Don’t the daddies look so cute taking care of them! Sarah and I got some much needed tanning time in! It was really relaxing and a lot of fun.

Jaycie has gotten so big. I am just amazed at how smart and strong she is. Today is her 14 week birthday (yes we celebrate it every week) and she has been talking like crazy. She likes to say “agoo” and hear the sound of her own voice. Since she is here with me at the lumber store everyday she is often heard all the way out in the store jibber jabberin so friends stop by and say hi to her all the time! Daddy and I are so fortunate that we are able to have Jaycie around us at work. I am happy to know that I will be there for all of her firsts. Recently she has started laughing. Every time she gets the giggles she gets the hiccups though and then can’t figure out how to laugh with the hiccups. It’s really funny to watch her try and figure out how to do both.

She has been growing like crazy. She went to the doctor yesterday and she was 12lbs 2oz and was 25” long! I get sad every time I have to retire another one of her outfits because I know that time flies so fast and I have to cherish every single moment that I get to spend with her. She is truly the best thing in my life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I think back on our struggles to get pregnant for all of those years and I know that for whatever the reason I was supposed to wait for Jaycie. She is my true love and absolutely amazing. I will try my hardest to teach her every thing I can and it’s incredible how much she has taught me in just 3 short months. I love her so much!!!!

We are looking forward to grammy and papa’s visit in a couple of weeks and I will make sure to post more often and keep the pictures coming!! Love to all.